To register a child at Corinth Middle School, you will need the following items:
- Completed Corinth School District Enrollment Form
- Birth Certificate
- Social Security Card (optional but preferred)
- Mississippi Immunization Form 121 from Mississippi Health Department (If in 7th grade or higher, Form 121 must show a recent TDap vaccination)
- Two Proofs of Residency (Any document that shows parent or guardian name with matching address within the last 30 days)
- 911 address verification
- lease, mortgage, rental receipt
- service, phone, cell or credit card bill
- notarized affidavit of residency if no bills are in your name but you are living with a resident of the Corinth School District
- A signed release from Alcorn County School District to Corinth School District is required if address is on an Alcorn County road or other address outside the Corinth School District.
- Guardianship papers if child is living with someone other than the parent(s)
- Withdrawal form or report card from previous school